Tuesday, November 18, 2014

P2P File Sharing

   File sharing is the use of devices or applications that allow users to give different kinds of files to others. Devices that could be used for file sharing are USB drives, CD's and SD cards.
Examples of files that could be shared are PDFs and MP3s but there are others. Peer to Peer file sharing are internet applications that gives people the abilty to share files.

  Many P2P sharing have been associated with illegal downloads of music, movies, book and other forms of entertainment.  Napster was one of the first P2p sites that allowed users to share and  download music files from others, but it was shut down in  2001 after lawsuits from various musically artists. According to The Motion Picture Association of America, in 2009, illegal downloads from P2P sites led to forty percent loss in total movie revenue (Stelter,Stone).One well known P2P file sharing app is BitTorrent, allows users to download files artist put on the site at various prices.

Stelter, Brian, and Brad Stone. "Digital Pirates Winning Battle With Major Hollywood Studios." The New York Times. The New York Times, 04 Feb. 2009. Web. 18 Nov. 2014.

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